
Sort Number / Text in Ascending or Descending Order (Online Tool)

Word Count: 0
Character Count: 0

Sort Data in Ascending and Descending Orders Online provides Sorting Data Online tool.

This tool will help you to Convert or Sort your data in Ascending and Descending Orders very quickly. Whether there are Numbers or there are Text provided. in a single click you can sort your bulk data immediately.

Just copy your data and paste it into the text box above and click the order as you want like- Ascending Order or Descending Order, after clicking the button the text or numbers will be sorted and the output will come in the 2nd text box.

Now click on the Copy data button and paste it into your desired software or any other place.

What type of Data can be sorted with this tool?

  • Numbers can be sorted in Ascending or Descending Order with tools.
  • Text can be sorted in Ascending or Descending Order with tools.
  • You can check the Word Count of Your data at the Top Left Corner in real-time.
  • You can check the Character Count of Your data at the Top Right Corner in real-time.

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